thiopental sodium / ˈθaɪ əˈpɛn tl, -tæl, -tɔl, ˌθaɪ- /


thiopental sodium 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a barbiturate, C11H18N2NaO2S, used as an anesthetic in surgery and, in psychiatry, for narcoanalysis and to stimulate recall of past events.

thiopental sodium 近义词

thiopental sodium

等同于 truth serum

thiopental sodium 的近义词 3

更多thiopental sodium例句

  1. For example, Kuwait recently put a limit the allowable amount of sodium in bread to lower blood pressure.
  2. For all intents and purposes, sodium thiopental is now unavailable in the United States.
  3. Sports drinksSugar and sodium are good things when it comes to sports drinks!
  4. But for more rigorous sweat sessions, the low-sodium drink does come up short in replenishing the salt your body loses.
  5. Other measurements on nutrition labels—calories, fat, sodium—are passive: They simply state how much is in the food.
  6. The metal is then removed, and washed successively with very dilute sodium hydroxid solution, alcohol, and ether.
  7. This fluid is then heated, adding crystals of sodium acetate until it becomes perfectly clear.
  8. Rarely, sodium urate occurs in crystalline form—slender prisms, arranged in fan- or sheaf-like structures (Fig. 32).
  9. Glass rods and tubing of sodium glass: for stirring rods, urinary pipets, etc.
  10. Sodium and alcohol reduce common camphor to a mixture of d- and l-borneol.